Short Nerd Rant

A long time in a galaxy far, far, away, the CO wrote their webpages from actual CODE. HTML, Javascript, CSS. Then along came very busy times and the availability of WordPress, included with the hosting cost. At the time, it was easy to change out logos and make the WordPress site look like what the Caustic One actually wanted.

But something happened in the last … (mental math here, 2022 – 2013 …er, nine) NINE (9) years. WordPress now sucks. Looking back on this blog and on a few of the others CO maintains, the fonts have changed, spacing is not the same, and generally, the feel is not what it was before the multiple upgrades. Multiple upgrades which make it more and more difficult to get the look and feel that is desired for these blogs).

To be honest, This Time Lord has no desire to recode the entire site. But looking back, it’s just embarrassing. It’s bad enough to see all the grammatical errors made while living in a foreign country, but the format is insult to exhausted injury. It’s actually frustrating enough that there may be a time (in June or July) when current contracts are completed that the websites are all taken down for refurbishment – sans the debacle of wordpress. It’s something that this would be frustrating enough to want to hand code everything over what is now possible, it really is. Something. Something something something. Meh.