Soundtrack by Ahrends Antiquariat

Hier in Witzenhausen, ist Fruhling gekommt.

It has been a mild winter in Witzenhausen. Even though it could still turn cold, the days are getting longer, spirits are rising (mine included), and Springs seems to be on its way. I left the lab a little after 1700, and with the sun still up, the walk home was quite pleasurable. After the weekend bout with Some Strange Illness, I am under direct orders from my Chefin to NOT wear myself out this week, so my nine hours of writing and meetings felt good and off I went to leave work behind.

Decided to stop at the Used Furniture and All Things Imaginable store on the way home, and found a nice cupboard (Regal with Doors) that will make a good substitute for a pantry in my little Wohnung. The kitchen is very small and is not quite finished; this addition will allow me to put the food away, especially the coming season of canning and preserving, with minimal impact to the floor space and with maximum impact to the orderliness of the place.

Came back through the Markt and could hear rustic music playing. One never knows if the Rustic music playing is live or Ahrends Antiquariat — they have a very old radio/record player/tape player with nice big old speakers and play music until the close. Oftentimes they have performances in the store; twice I have tried to go and missed the concerts. The next one is a lovely harp and classical performance with readings from erotica. Maybe I will go as I will not be able to understand the words and thus won’t be embarrassed! As I came round the corner from one of the streets with stores and merch out on the cobblestone pavement, I saw that the music was, indeed, from Ahrends. It made me think, not for the first time, that sometimes one feels like they are in a movie, and whatever music is playing is the soundtrack. It was a nice soundtrack today; spring in the air, blue skies, sunset.